Dando Amor
We Shared Love Today!
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Thursday, March 15, 2012
By Travis Gugelman
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Thank you for donating, we put your money to really good use! We were able to buy SEVERAL shopping carts of supplies. We got…

  • A stove for an orphanage that had no oven, but they are getting dough from a bakery and wanted to cook it into bread for the kids to eat.
  • Two pressure cookers, a commercial grade blender, and some food storage containers for an orphanage that has several kids to feed, but not enough resources to cook and store the food.
  • 20 boxes of feminine products for an orphanage that had several girls that were using only toilet paper.
  • Several large bags of laundry detergent for orphanages that were almost out.
  • Boxes of lice shampoo. The kids heads looked a hundred times better than last time (you could actually see the lice crawling in their hair and on their clothes before we brought them lice shampoo previously), so we purchased some for them to have on hand as a preventative measure.
  • A new cassette/CD player for the handicapped orphanage whose current player was broken. One of the kids’ favorite activities is to play music and dance with the volunteers.
  • Several small, inexpensive musical instruments (tambourines, maracas, castanets, bell shakers, wood scrapers, and small bongo drums) to use when we visit the kids in the orphanages and for the volunteers to do activities with them (I have to say I was really excited about these, I think the kids will LOVE them!).

We get to deliver everything tomorrow. That is the best part!

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